Chandrachud Basavaraj,法国巴黎的开发者
Chandrachud is available for hire
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Chandrachud Basavaraj

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Machine Learning Developer

Paris, France
Toptal Member Since
May 15, 2018

Chandrachud is an experienced machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) engineer. 他曾就读于印度和法国的顶尖学校, until recently, CTO of an early-stage AI startup. Chandrachud loves ML, computer vision, 和大型语言模型(llm),并在各种ML项目中交付了高质量的工作. He has been building and integrating multiple components to deploy AI systems in production on the cloud. Chandrachud喜欢创新和创造很酷的技术.


StillMind (Freelance Projects)
Mo-ka SAS
PyTorch, OpenCV, Socket.IO,树莓派,Flask, GStreamer,机器学习...
深度学习,TensorBoard, TensorFlow, OpenCV, Python,机器学习...




Preferred Environment

Bitbucket, PyTorch, Sublime Text, Ubuntu, Google Cloud, Python

The most amazing...

...deep neural networks I've worked on include Mask R-CNN for real-time object detection and segmentation and open-weight LLMs for uncensored language generation.

Work Experience

Indie Machine Learning Engineer

2017 - PRESENT
StillMind (Freelance Projects)
  • Trained an object detection and segmentation model on a screening mammography dataset to detect breast lesions and classify them as benign or malignant.
  • Developed a gun and human detection system for a client in the security industry to deploy in schools, malls, and other public places. The system allows early detection of potential shootouts and subsequent intervention by law enforcement agencies.
  • 创建了一个具有文本和语音功能的Telegram聊天机器人, using an uncensored LLM (large language model) similar to ChatGPT but with fewer restrictions.
  • Integrated a facial key point detection system with some bespoke elements and a web front end for a VR/AR application in the fashion industry.
  • 开发了一个计算机视觉系统,用于解析建筑平面图(图像), PDFs, other formats) and recognizing walls and rooms for downstream use in wireless network planning.
  • Built a motion detection system based on background detection that works even against dynamic backgrounds (e.g., moving water, tree leaves, 以及更多)基于科学文献中最先进的算法.
  • 利用两个深度神经网络构建了一个场景文本识别管道, EAST用于检测,ASTER用于识别, with fast and reliable performance.
  • Contributed to aspect-based sentiment analysis using classical NLP methods and spaCy and a deep learning approach using BI-LSTM-CRF implemented in PyTorch.
  • Adapted and combined a fast implementation of an RNN using Simple Recurrent Unit (SRU) with relational networks for question answering on Facebook Research's bAbI tasks, with excellent results.
  • 在计算机视觉方面为客户合作了许多其他机密项目, natural language processing, recommender systems, 以及其他经典的机器学习领域.
Technologies: 自然语言处理(NLP),生成预训练变形器(GPT), GPT, Google Cloud, MATLAB, SpaCy, Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, Python, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer Vision, Image Recognition, OpenCV, NVIDIA CUDA, Chatbots, 生成式人工智能(GenAI), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), CAD, Google Maps SDK, AI Programming, Large Language Models (LLMs), Bots, Audio, Language Models, Linux, MacOS, Weka, Full-stack, Deployment, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), APIs, Neural Networks, Data Science, Software Architecture, Algorithms, JavaScript, Bash, DevOps, Prompt Engineering, Full-stack Development, NumPy, Back-end, 生成预训练变压器3 (GPT-3), OpenAI GPT-4 API, BERT, Docker, GPU Computing, Technical Architecture, Back-end Architecture, LangChain, Pinecone, Applied Research, Training, Fine-tuning, Transformer Models, You Only Look Once (YOLO), Computer Vision Algorithms, LlamaIndex, Cloud Computing, Cloud, AI Chatbots, Data Modeling, Databases, Snowflake, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Image Recognition, Machine Learning, Project Management, Project Coordination, Linux Servers, Twilio, Python Asyncio, FastAPI, PDF, Object Detection, Object Tracking, Generative AI

CTO | Computer Vision and AI Engineer

2018 - 2023
Mo-ka SAS
  • Built the 1st proof of concept to turn the founder's idea into a startup with angel investors. 这包括计算机视觉、系统设计和实现. 继续领导技术团队走向商业化.
  • Developed the company's first product, a smart grocery basket that uses computer vision and ML to recognize the products added and removed by a customer and automatically compute the grocery bill.
  • 主导公司下一个产品的开发, 一种基于计算机视觉的超市自助结账监控与欺诈检测系统, machine learning, 以及一个有状态事件检测系统.
  • Trained deep learning object detection and segmentation models with data augmentation and hyper-parameter tuning to obtain high accuracy. Conceived and built a highly modular and flexible computer vision pipeline for real-time video processing.
  • 使用Python开发用于在生产环境中部署深度学习模型的系统, Flask, and Vue web stack, OpenCV和PyTorch用于计算机视觉, and other confidential elements.
技术:PyTorch, OpenCV, Socket.IO,树莓派,Flask, GStreamer,机器学习, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer Vision, Python, Image Recognition, TensorFlow, Image Processing, NVIDIA CUDA, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Architecture, Integration, AI Programming, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), FFmpeg, Vue, Full-stack, Deployment, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), APIs, Neural Networks, Data Science, Software Architecture, Algorithms, REST APIs, JavaScript, Leadership, Bash, DevOps, AWS DevOps, SaaS, Full-stack Development, Node.js, Express.js, TypeScript, NumPy, Team Leadership, Project Management, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), Back-end, modal, Docker, GPU Computing, SQL, Redis, Celery, OpenAPI, NoSQL, Technical Architecture, Solution Architecture, Back-end Architecture, Applied Research, Training, Fine-tuning, Computer Vision Algorithms, Cloud Computing, Cloud, Data Modeling, Databases, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Image Recognition, Machine Learning, Project Management, Project Coordination, Linux Servers, Parallel Computing, Multithreading, WebRTC, Object Detection, Object Tracking

Deep Learning Intern

2017 - 2017
  • Built a high-accuracy real-time object detection system for detecting players and the ball in live football video using state-of-the-art deep neural networks.
  • Developed a high-accuracy multi-digit number recognizer for player jersey numbers using transfer learning from the SVHN dataset.
  • Contributed core pieces of the technology that enabled SkillCorner to become a market leader in sports AI.
Technologies: 深度学习,TensorBoard, TensorFlow, OpenCV, Python,机器学习, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer Vision, Image Recognition, Image Processing, NVIDIA CUDA, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), AI Programming, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Neural Networks, Data Science, Software Architecture, Algorithms, Bash, AWS DevOps, NumPy, GPU Computing, Cloud, Data Modeling, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Image Recognition, Machine Learning, Linux Servers, Object Detection

Research Assistant

2014 - 2015
Paris School of Economics
  • 曾担任Pôle employi项目分析师, the French employment agency, to determine the effects of case-workers on placement rates of job seekers and evaluate the impact of using different levels of case-worker engagement.
  • Implemented on Stata, 经济学家使用的统计软件, an approach for bounding the treatment effect in case of differential response rates to surveys on treatment and control groups.
  • 记录数据源以及提取, cleaning, 以及我们在项目期间建立的准备管道.
技术:LaTeX, STATA, SQL, SAS,数据科学,数据建模,数据库

Macro & Quant Analyst

2008 - 2012
Shânti Asset Management
  • Performed diverse roles, including research, pricing, risk management, performance analysis, investor communication, 以及各基金的内部系统开发. 主要在孟买工作,每年约有两个月在巴黎办公室工作.
  • 从事过各种各样的资产类型, including asset-backed securities, inflation-indexed bonds, inflation swaps, government debt, credit default swaps, futures, options, emerging equities, currencies, and Asian convertible debt.
  • Evaluated and monitored individual names in Asia ex-Japan on the basis of the strength of the issuer's cash flows and technical characteristics of the convertible bond. 建立了一个二项树定价的内部估值与嵌入期权的债券.
  • 关注经济活动的最新发展, inflation, 货币和财政政策,并研究亚洲新兴市场的信贷和外汇投资理念, CEE, and Latin America. 制作每月宏观经济图表书.
  • Covered Indian macroeconomics as an input for sector and stock selection for the Indian equity fund. 撰写了该基金每月投资者信的经济和社会部分.
  • Valued cash-flow CLOs (collateralized loan obligations) through 2008-09 and developed an excellent understanding of CLO characteristics and market. 也熟悉组合中持有的合成ABS cdo.
Technologies: Bloomberg, Excel VBA, Quantitative Modeling, Time Series, Time Series Analysis


Trained an object detection and segmentation model on a screening mammography dataset to detect breast lesions and classify them as benign or malignant. 使用深度模型和各种数据增强策略, we obtained high precision, recall, and ROC-AUC.


我使用类似于ChatGPT的大型语言模型(LLM)创建了一个Telegram聊天机器人, 以及部署在谷歌计算引擎上的语音克隆. The LLM we finally used was an uncensored open-source model that had to be primed with the right text prompt to suit our purposes.


I integrated a facial key-point detection system with some bespoke elements and a web front-end for a VR/AR (virtual reality/\augmented reality) application in the fashion industry. I used the detected key points to determine the correct placement of facial accessories irrespective of the angle of view.


我开发了一个计算机视觉系统,用于解析建筑物的平面图(jpeg格式的图像), png, and more; PDFs; and CAD formats) and recognizing walls and rooms for downstream use in wireless network planning. 该系统采用了流水线的各种图像处理技术, including line detection, contour detection, and area operations using GeoPandas.


I built a motion detection system based on background detection that works even against dynamic backgrounds (e.g., moving water, tree leaves, and more) based on state-of-the-art algorithms in scientific literature.

Built a fast and accurate system for detecting players and the ball in broadcast football videos. I customized Faster R-CNN with many major and minor modifications to its architecture for this purpose. 这项工作现在是一家成功的体育科技创业公司的核心.

Scene Text Recognition

客户端自然图像中的文本检测和识别, 采用管道的两个深度神经网络和基于几何的后处理. 第一个神经网络检测文本的位置,而第二个神经网络识别单词.

Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

I extracted aspect terms from reviews of places of interest (like restaurants) and predicted their associated polarities or sentiments. 在这个项目中,我使用了SpaCy,以及一个自定义神经网络:BiLSTM-CRT.

Recommender Systems

我使用PySpark、SparkML和Hadoop构建了可扩展的推荐系统. 这包括流行的公共数据集,如MovieLens(小而完整), 以及客户为其项目提供的专有数据集.
2015 - 2017

Master's Degree in Computer Science


2012 - 2014

Master's Degree in Economics & Public Policy

Sciences Po - Paris, France

2004 - 2006


印度班加罗尔管理学院(IIMB) -班加罗尔,印度

2000 - 2004




PyTorch, NumPy, FFmpeg, SpaCy, Scikit-learn, Spark ML, Keras, TensorFlow, Google Maps SDK, REST APIs, Node.. js, Pandas, OpenAPI, Python Asyncio, WebRTC, OpenCV, Socket.IO, Flask-RESTful, Vue,自然语言工具包(NLTK)


ChatGPT, You Only Look Once (YOLO), Bitbucket, LaTeX, STATA, Weka, Sublime Text, TensorBoard, MATLAB, Celery, Named-entity Recognition (NER), CAD, AWS CLI, Bloomberg


Flask, GStreamer, Express.js, LlamaIndex


SQL, Python, Bash, c++, C, Java, JavaScript, Snowflake, SAS, TypeScript, Excel VBA




Docker, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), MacOS, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), NVIDIA CUDA, Twilio, Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu


数据库,MySQL, Google Cloud, Redis, NoSQL

Industry Expertise

Project Management


Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Image Recognition, Image Processing, GPT, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), Chatbots, Machine Vision, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), AI Programming, Neural Networks, Algorithms, Data Analysis, GPU Computing, Training, Fine-tuning, Computer Vision Algorithms, Data Modeling, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Image Recognition, Machine Learning, Multithreading, Object Detection, Full-stack, Reinforcement Learning, Facial Recognition, APIs, Corporate Finance, 生成式人工智能(GenAI), Large Language Models (LLMs), OpenAI, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Architecture, Integration, Speech to Text, Voice Recognition, Bots, Language Models, Audio, Software Architecture, Leadership, Hugging Face, SaaS, Prompt Engineering, Full-stack Development, Chatbot Conversation Design, Investment Banking, Quantitative Modeling, Finance, Team Leadership, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), Back-end, 生成预训练变压器3 (GPT-3), OpenAI GPT-4 API, Text to Speech (TTS), modal, BERT, Technical Architecture, Solution Architecture, LangChain, Pinecone, NLU, Applied Research, Time Series, Time Series Analysis, Transformer Models, Cloud Computing, Cloud, AI Chatbots, Project Management, Project Coordination, Linux Servers, Raster to Vector, FastAPI, PDF, Object Tracking, Generative AI, Deployment, Graph Theory, Investments, Accounts, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Long Short-term Memory (LSTM), Recommendation Systems, GeoPandas, Image Generation, AWS DevOps, LoRa, Medical Imaging

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